
Your account is assigned an API key, which must be sent as a key query string parameter in all requests to the API.

To view your API key, sign-in to the interface and view your Account details in the top-right.

Layer Operations

Base URL: https://interface.geochron.com/api/layers

Create, modify, or destroy your custom layers.

POST: /create

Creates a new layer of given type and name.

NOTE: Only "Fixed" is currently accepted as a layer type.

  "Name": "My New Layer",
  "Type": "Fixed"
Name Type Description
Name string New Layer Name
Type string New Layer Type (Fixed)
  "Name": "My New Layer",
  "Type": "Fixed"
Name Type Description
Name string New Layer Name
Type string New Layer Type (Fixed)

GET: {id}/delete

Delete layer {id} immediately.

POST: /{id}/rename

Accepts a Rename Request with a new layer name and attempts to rename layer {id}.

Component Operations

Base URL: https://interface.geochron.com/api/layers/{layerID}/component/{componentName}

Create, modify, or destroy layer components.
Trigger life-cycle events for components

GET: /

Fetch raw component JSON configuration.


Immediately set raw component JSON configuration.

POST: /update

Merge supplied POST body JSON object with existing raw component JSON configuration.

  "Type": "Point",
  "Label": "Test Point",
  "Lat": 43,
  "Lng": -122.0,
  "Color": "#ffffff",
  "Icon": null
  "Lat": 43.0,
  "Lng": -122.0

GET: /delete

Delete component immediately

POST: /rename

Accepts a Rename Request with a new component name and attempts to rename the component.

POST: /process

Accepts arbitrary binary POST data and triggers the processing phase of a component life-cycle.
Returns no response.

This is most useful for image components: Overlays, Legends, and Http types - the POST data is assumed to be a PNG image and is stored on the server, and the appropriate component parameters are updated immediately.

Component Structures

Components are represented as JSON objects with a mandatory Type key.


  "Type": "Point",
  "Label": "My Point",
  "Color": "#ffaa00",
  "Lat": -43.2,
  "Lng": -122.0,
  "Icon": null
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
Label string Text label, printed above and to the right of the point
Color string Hex color code
Lat decimal Latitude within expected ranges
Lng decimal Longitude within expected ranges
Icon icon Custom icon (optional)


  "Type": "Path",
  "Points": [
    { "Lat": -43.2, "Lng": -122.0 },
    { "Lat": -45.0, "Lng": -125.0 },
  "Color": "#ffaa00"
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
Points lat-lng-list List of points to draw the path along
Color string Hex color code


  "Type": "Overlay",
  "ImageURL": "http://storage.geochron.com/7d/7debe3be98c7fff3b6a68862a4ef1080bf69b53e274b8f9faefb141ca2b7cda5.png",
  "ImageTime": 0,
  "ImageHash": "7debe3be98c7fff3b6a68862a4ef1080bf69b53e274b8f9faefb141ca2b7cda5",
  "Layer": "Over"
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
ImageURL url URL to the image to use as an overlay
ImageTime int Last time the image was uploaded (or 0, if never or not applicable)
ImageHash string Content hash of the image (see hashing)
Layer string Location of the overlay relative to the shaded night portion of the map ("Over", "Under")


  "Type": "Legend",
  "ImageURL": "http://storage.geochron.com/4c/4ce75bcd8bdc9765dfbd17c18d872f7c8049cb1101c537e0b652d075c5830d4a.png",
  "ImageTime": 0,
  "ImageHash": "4ce75bcd8bdc9765dfbd17c18d872f7c8049cb1101c537e0b652d075c5830d4a",
  "Position": "Left"
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
ImageURL url URL to the image to use as a legend
ImageTime int Last time the image was uploaded (or 0, if never or not applicable)
ImageHash string Content hash of the image (see hashing)
Position string Position of legend on device screen ("Left", "TopLeft", "Top", "TopRight", "Right", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight")


  "Type": "Orbital",
  "Label": "Intl. Space Station",
  "Color": "#ffaa00",
  "TLE1": "1 25544U 98067A   20220.82748236  .00001293  00000-0  31444-4 0  9991",
  "TLE2": "2 25544  51.6459  92.8834 0000920  20.3968  59.5056 15.49153310240025",
  "Icon": null
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
Label string Text label, printed above and to the right of the satellite
Color string Hex color code
TLE1 string First line of a Two-Line Element (TLE) component
TLE2 string Second line of a Two-Line Element (TLE) component
Icon icon Custom icon (optional)


  "Type": "Location",
  "Label": "Oregon City",
  "Color": "#ffaa00",
  "LocType": "PostalCode",
  "LocData": "97045"
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
Label string Text label, printed above and to the right of the point
Color string Hex color code
LocType string Only "PostalCode" is supported currently.
LocData string Postal Code of desired location.


  "Type": "Http",
  "Purpose": "Overlay",
  "FetchURL": "http://example.com/worker/fetch",
  "RenderURL": "http://example.com/worker/render",
  "Expiry": 3600,
  "StaticConfig": {
    "CustomRendererProperty": "CustomValue",
    "Color": "#ffffff"
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
Purpose string Either "Overlay" or "Legend"
FetchURL url URL of 'fetch' script to call to retreive component data
RenderURL url URL of 'render' script to call to begin the render process
Expiry int Time (in seconds) before the layer should be considered 'stale'
StaticConfig string JSON configuration to be passed to the render worker via the Config key.


  "Type": "Csv",
  "Data": "Point,Test Point,45.0,-122.0,#ff0000
Location,PostalCode,97045,Oregon City,#ffaa00"
Name Type Description
Type string Mandatory type name
Data string CSV-formatted components

Special Structures

Special structures are used to represent certain component properties or certain data-types.


Used anywhere an icon is supported (Point, Orbital, Location). null is accepted instead of the icon structure if no icon is desired.

  "IconURL": "http://storage.geochron.com/cb/cb1e315b2e99b417a1ac5ecead4c79f01d47eb455b23010747749a27d362edbc.png",
  "IconHash": "cb1e315b2e99b417a1ac5ecead4c79f01d47eb455b23010747749a27d362edbc"
Name Type Description
IconURL url URL to the image to use as an icon
IconHash url Content hash of the image

Lat/Lng List

An unindexed, ordered array of lat/lng pairs.

  "Points": [
    { "Lat": -43.2, "Lng": -122.0 },
    { "Lat": -45.0, "Lng": -125.0 },
Name Type Description
Points array of lat-lng JSON array of lat/lng pairs


Represents a pair of latitude & longitude values that resolve to a point.

  "Lat": -43.2,
  "Lng": -122.0
Name Type Description
Lat decimal Latitude within expected ranges
Lng decimal Longitude within expected ranges

Entity Rename Request

Sent to a rename REST endpoint to change the name of a layer or component.

  "NewName": "My New Name"
Name Type Description
NewName string New name of the layer or component

Entity Rename Response

Received as a response to a command that renames a component or a layer.

  "Successful": true,
  "OldName": "Old Boring Name",
  "NewName": "My New Name"
Name Type Description
Successful bool Indicates success of rename.
OldName string The name the layer or component used to have
NewName string The name the layer or component now has - should match the supplied name (but may not)
An error has occurred. This application may no longer respond until reloaded. Reload 🗙